See gardens, vendors & more in Lewiston GardenFest
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by Connie Oswald Stofko
“You pull into Lewiston and see all the flowers,” said Doreen Albee, second vice president of the Lewiston Garden Club. “It happens because of a dedicated group of 45 people.”
The club’s big projects, such as the plantings at town buildings, are supported by the vendor portion of the Lewiston GardenFest.
The Lewiston GardenFest will take place from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, June 19 and 20 on Center Street from 4th to 7th Streets in Lewiston.
Activities include:
A free and self-guided garden walk. Pick up maps for the garden walk at 722 Center St., Lewiston. Albee is one of the seven private gardeners who will share her landscape. See photos of her yard throughout this article. There will also be community gardens on the walk.
More than 70 vendors selling flowers, plants, handcrafted art and garden essentials.
Representatives from Cornell Cooperative Extension in Hennepin Park to answer gardening questions and provide free soil sample analysis.
Kids’ crafts. Kids can decorate bumblebee rocks or create tissue flowers, both while supplies last.
Container garden contest. Adults and kids may enter. Prepare your arrangement in a traditional container or think outside the planter. Throughout the weekend, festivalgoers can vote for their favorite container garden. Prizes will be awarded to those containers that garner the most votes. See an entry form here.
The Lewiston GardenFest is outdoors, but to avoid having people gathering closely together, the speakers and butterfly release held in past years won’t be held this year. The organizers have also spaced vendors farther apart to help people keep a safe distance from others.
If you’re fully vaccinated, you don’t have to wear a mask. If you’re not vaccinated, the organizers recommend you wear a mask if you can’t keep social distancing. And if you don’t feel well, they ask that you not attend.
People will be asked to complete a brief form in the event that any kind of follow-up is needed.
“We need to take care of our gardeners,” Albee said. “We need them to be healthy!”
4 Comments on “See gardens, vendors & more in Lewiston GardenFest”
Please publish the garden map on-line. We can then print our own copy prior to attending, Thanks
Thanks for that great explanation, Bob!
Most of the gardens are within walking distance from activities on Center Street. Village streets are basically three blocks long. The whole Village I believe is in a one mike square area. Besides the private home gardens there are several public gardens located on Center St. and beautiful flowered hanging baskets on Center St.
OK, How large of walking one would do to see ALL the gardens?
Are the gardens All with in that 4th->7th streets? {I do NOT know Lewiston] so are these streets long blocks in each named streets? [EX: The street 7th is (20?), (5?), (?) number of blocks?] So if one is to walk all the gardens to see them, then one would have to walk: 3 streets with 20?, 5? blocks on EACH street = 60?, 15? Blocks in total?
-Cosmo Kramer
Please publish the garden map on-line. We can then print our own copy prior to attending, Thanks
Thanks for that great explanation, Bob!
Most of the gardens are within walking distance from activities on Center Street. Village streets are basically three blocks long. The whole Village I believe is in a one mike square area. Besides the private home gardens there are several public gardens located on Center St. and beautiful flowered hanging baskets on Center St.
OK, How large of walking one would do to see ALL the gardens?
Are the gardens All with in that 4th->7th streets? {I do NOT know Lewiston] so are these streets long blocks in each named streets? [EX: The street 7th is (20?), (5?), (?) number of blocks?] So if one is to walk all the gardens to see them, then one would have to walk: 3 streets with 20?, 5? blocks on EACH street = 60?, 15? Blocks in total?
-Cosmo Kramer