Gardening news from Mischler’s


anything but red roses at Mischler's Florist and Greenhouses in Williamsville NY
Roses aren’t just red; spice it up with a dozen roses that are “Anything But Red.” (Our designers will choose the color–and it won’t be red!) Photo courtesy Mischler’s Florist and Greenhouses

Valentine’s Day is coming up; order now!

Don’t wait until Friday, Feb. 14 or you may be disappointed.

Put your Valentine order in early to get fresh flowers with no fuss.

Call Mischler’s at 716-632-1290, put in your order and check it off your list. Our local delivery can have your gift–surprise!–delivered ahead of time.

If you prefer, you can pick up your order at Mischler’s and bestow your gift to your Valentine in person.

See Mischler’s many Valentine offerings here.

Valentines Day Mixed Dozen at Mischler's Florist and Greenhouses in Williamsville NY
Enjoy a darling mix of pink, white, red and lavender roses in “Valentines Day Mixed Dozen.” Photo courtesy Mischler’s Florist and Greenhouses

logo for Mischler's Florist and Greenhouses in Williamsville NY

118 South Forest Rd., Williamsville, NY 14221

(716) 632-1290

(877) 363-1879

See Mischler’s website here

Follow Mischler’s on Facebook and Instagram.

Mischler’s has been a full-service flower shop and greenhouse since 1944. We are open year-round offering retail sales and delivery in the Buffalo metro area.


  • 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday
  • 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturdays
  • Closed Sundays

cyclamen at Mischler's in Williamsville
Photo courtesy Mischler’s Florist and Greenhouses

Best flowering indoor plant: cyclamen!

Cyclamen plants are blooming now. They’ll bloom for Valentine’s Day. And they will continue blooming until spring!

They’re easy to maintain, too. Water them, then let them dry out. Cyclamen actually like the soil to be on the dry side. If you let them get too dry and they wilt, give them a little water and they’ll bounce right back.

You can send cyclamen in a charming pot to your friends in the Greater Buffalo area.

Stop in to Mischler’s to see the cyclamen with huge flowers!

gift certificate from Mischler's in Williamsville NY
Photo courtesy Mischler’s Florist and Greenhouses

Would your gardening friend like new houseplants this winter or prefer to splurge on annuals in spring?

It’s hard to know, but you can cover all your bases with a gift certificate from Mischler’s.

Gift certificates are valid for two years from the date of purchase. This is great for the gardener who wants a lovely fresh cut flower arrangement now or for perennials later in the growing season.

The recipient can use the gift certificate for anything from Mischler’s Floral Shop or Garden Center any time of the year.

herbs in February at Mischler's Florist and Greenhouses in Williamsville NY
A sampling of herbs is already at Mischler’s. Photo courtesy Mischler’s Florist and Greenhouses

Herbs are here at Mischler’s and more are coming!

Mischler’s has a small sampling of herbs already!

  • Rosemary
  • Basil
  • Cilantro
  • Parsley, curly and flat
  • Spearmint

And Mischler’s is just getting rolling! In a few weeks they will have oregano & chives.

See the expanding bonsai collection at Mischler’s!

jade bonsai at Mischler's in Williamsville NY

Whether you are already a bonsai hobbyist or just starting out, stop in to see the collection at Mischler’s.

Bonsai (pronounced bone-SIGH) is created by pruning and training a tree over a period of years to keep it small while giving it the form and shape of a mature tree. You don’t have to wait years to enjoy a bonsai; you can purchase a bonsai at Mischler’s that is already established.

Trees for indoor bonsai include Schefflera arboricola, a broad-leaved evergreen shrub, and varieties of ficus, jades and more. Trees for outdoors include juniper.

Mischler’s also stocks bonsai tools.

bonsai at Mischler's Florist and Greenhouses in Williamsville NY
See the many bonsai trees at Mischler’s. Photo courtesy Mischler’s Florist and Greenhouses

houseplants at Mischler's Florist and Greenhouses in Williamsville NY
Photo courtesy Mischler’s Florist and Greenhouses

New offerings in houseplants

Our houseplant offerings have been refreshed! Stop in and pick up some plants for your next indoor garden project.

Plants boost your mood and add a cool vibe to your indoor space.

We have large floor plants all the way to beginner-sized 3-inch pots.

For beginners, try a spider plant. It makes loads of pups (little spider plants). Pop them into some soil & share with friends.   

If you have lower light conditions, try peace lily, snake plant or something in the Chinese evergreen family.

Check out the Plant Finder

magnifying glass

Search for shade perennials or vegetables or whatever you need in your garden with Mischler’s new Plant Finder.

The Plant Finder isn’t a current inventory list; it’s an informational tool that can help you create a list of plants for your next project and provide you with detailed plant information.

If you don’t see a certain plant, it may not have made it onto the Plant Finder yet.

If you want to know if a plant is currently available, call Mischler’s at 716-632-1290.

The Plant Finder isn’t a current inventory list; it’s an informational tool that can help you create a list of plants for your next project and provide you with detailed plant information.

If you want to know if a plant is currently available, call Mischler’s at 716-632-1290.


Succulents: Easy & beautiful!

Succulents are easy to care for– they thrive on neglect! Overwatering even one time can rot the roots and kill the plant, but they can bounce back from drying out. If your container has good drainage and you don’t water too much, your succulent will be happy.

succulents at Mishler's in Williamsville New York

You can find small and large succulents, slow and fast growers, and succulents with fascinating leaves. Photo courtesy Mischler’s Florist and Greenhouses

Mischler’s offers 100 varities of succulents! Find them in their signature clay pot in two sizes: three-inch and six-inch pots.

Most require full sun (especially in winter) but some, like varieties of jade and aloe, can handle indirect light.

Some succulents grow slowly, which makes them perfect for windowsills or desks. Others grow quickly and make good statement plants.

There are all sorts of leaf shapes available, including rosettes, spikes, tubes and soft scalloped edges.

There are so many succulents to choose from. Here are highlights of just a few varieties:

    • Echeveria: These popular rose-shaped plants tend to stay compact. They need full sun.

    • Kalanchoe: These fast-growing succulents are enjoyed most for their foliage, but do have interesting blooms.

    • Haworthia: Many of these have translucent windows on leaf ends. They prefer indirect light and are slow-growing.

    • Senecio: This genus includes the popular ‘String of Pearls’, but also includes upright shrub-type plants.

    • Aloe: This genus includes the “burn plant” Aloe vera, but also many lovely decorative varieties.


8 Comments on “Gardening news from Mischler’s

  1. Your website for 69 cent sale does not open. Tried the website listed and that’s not working either.

    Can you just tell me if your going to have a large selection of succulents, maybe the size might be a little bigger than last year’s plants, I know there only 69 cents but it would be nice to see what’s planted.

  2. not techy, so not sure the problem. it pulls up on our office computers/ we use firefox.
    and i went on buff niagra gardening on my iphone and it come up using safari.

  3. Hi Donna, thanks for letting us know. I have alerted Mischler’s. Question: what browser are you using? It might be Safari, Chrome, FireFox, Microsoft Edge or something else.

  4. I have Not been able to access the 69cent List & have tried multiple times.

    Is anyone else having trouble?

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