My new talk ‘Oh, Deer!’ helps you protect your plants

deer eating in winter
Photo illustration by Connie Oswald Stofko

by Connie Oswald Stofko

One of the things that gets gardeners in Western New York riled up is deer. These hungry critters can wreak havoc in a garden.

There’s no magic solution to keep deer from eating your plants, but there are things you can do that might help. Unfortunately, even if you find something to keep the deer away for awhile, the deer might get used to that deterrent. Then you have to try something else.

The good news is that there are lots of things to try!

In my newest talk — “Oh, Deer!” — I’ll share lots of tips that other gardeners have found helpful in keeping deer away.

I can speak to your garden club or other group. Contact me at (716) 833-5187 or

Here are my other topics:

  • In “Express Your Personality,” I show you how folks have created gardens that reflect their lifestyles and personalities. I’ll share their gardening tips, too. The presentation aims to motivate you to be creative in your garden and share your own personality.
  • In “45 Gardening Tips in 45 minutes,” I share some of the best tips I’ve come across while interviewing home gardeners and gardening experts. It’s fun just to see if I can squeeze them all in! (This presentation can be adjusted to fit various time frames.)
  • “45 More Gardening Tips in 45 Minutes.” I’ve found 45 new tips, and I’ll follow the same format, scrambling to offer one tip per minute. It’s fun just to see whether I can beat the clock!
  • In “Get Crafty in Your Garden,” I’ll show you ideas for items you can make for your garden as well as from your garden.
  • “Don’t Just Gawk—Learn on Garden Walks!” Garden walks are fun, but if all you do is look at the yards as if you’re a tourist, you’re missing out on a great opportunity to learn how to make your own landscape better. I will show you how to make sure you come home from garden walks with great ideas you can use in your own landscape, and I’ll share gardening tips I learned on garden walks.

6 Comments on “My new talk ‘Oh, Deer!’ helps you protect your plants

  1. Anti-Deer
    Deer will not nibble any of the Daisy Family- includes zinnias, argyranthemum, osteospermum, shasta daisy, cone flower. They will nibble on dahlia buds and even marigolds before they are open. What I do – buy blood meal- smells like barnyard manure (just like the wild shasta daisy in the evening- that’s why wild shasta daisy are all along the main highways). I sprinkle a little blood meal on the dahlia buds and on the marigolds (until they bloom). It works. I believe that deer smell their food before they browse. They don’t touch petunia flowers because of their texture. Sprinkle the blood meal on any other flowers that can hold this fine dust. They don’t touch my non-white hydrangeas because I add aluminum sulfate (to make the soil acid and turn them blue) Sulfate is in eggs, one of the remedies I tried, but deer are vegetarian. I tried the water scarecrow and the battery shocking stakes. Deer are on Vancouver Island.

  2. Where can I read the tips that you present during your “Of Deer” workshops? I would like to try something new next spring

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