Now for something totally different: Bike safety video that’s hilarious

by Connie Oswald Stofko

This has nothing to do with gardening, but it’s hilarious.

My friend Neil Carroll of Nickel City Graphics mentioned that he was producing short videos on road safety for GO Bike Buffalo. I ride my bike places and I would love drivers to be more aware of the rules of the road for bicyclists, so I said I’d help him out by acting in– no, starring in!– in a video.

The result, I am told by everyone who has seen it, is hilarious. It’s called Helen Takes a Ride. You watch the introduction, then get to choose one of three endings by clicking on the ending you want. Make sure you go back and watch all the endings.

If you’re using a touchscreen instead of a mouse, clicking on an ending won’t work; you have to choose one of the links:

Cross Street

Use the Bike Lane

Use the Sidewalk

If you’re watching the video on YouTube, the links are located in the description.

The video was shot on Delaware near Allen in Buffalo. The bike lanes were added this summer.

I didn’t write the script; all I had to do was ride my bike up and down Delaware Avenue on a sunny summer afternoon, then make some appropriate facial expressions.

There’s a whole series of these videos, which are done in a campy 1950s style. You can see them here. Personally, I like Jim Goes to Work.

The Coexist NYS video project is funded by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration with a grant from the Governor’s New York Traffic Safety Committee. It aims to supply education resources to to other transportation organizations across the state.

I think it’s a gentle and funny way to remind us of things we sometimes forget when we’re in a hurry, or perhaps point out things we didn’t really know.


4 Comments on “Now for something totally different: Bike safety video that’s hilarious

  1. Great video. Please make one on the correct hand signals for bicyclist’s to use for turns and stopping. Thanks.

  2. Randy, thanks so much! You are too funny! I do hope it helps a little. I’ve had drivers yell at me to get on the sidewalk. One told me he hoped I would get run over. Yikes! And of course, sometimes I am the driver. The videos help remind me to be patient, too.

  3. OMG, Connie – I love it! You are a natural! May I be the first to have the honor of nominating you for an Academy Award, or at least the YouTube equivalent (whatever that might be)? Thanks for sharing! Also, thanks for introducing me to the Coexist NYS video series. All kidding aside, this education is important, and the humor helps to get the message across.

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