Surprise– I have sunchokes to share
Normally I don’t share sunchokes until fall when the tubers are ready to harvest.
But I happen to have a few plants popping up in a spot where I’ve decided to plant something else this year, so they all have to find new homes.
I am offering the plants for free, but I don’t want to mail them. If you’d like one, you must arrange to pick it up at my house– I’m in the Eggertsville section of Amherst. You can come in person or send a friend who lives nearby.
Email me at if you’re interested and we’ll make arrangements.
If you haven’t heard of them, sunchokes, also called Jerusalem artichokes, are the coolest plants ever. You can read more about sunchokes here.
Celery update: The plants are outside
In an earlier article, I told you how to start a celery plant using the leftover celery stump.
The problem I ran into was that I rooted the celery during winter and it too cold to move the plant outside. Even at my sunniest window, the plant died.
I started rooting some more stumps at the beginning of April. This weekend I transplanted them into a huge pot outside. I hope they will continue to grow. I’ll keep you posted.
I’ve also planted lettuce and spinach seeds in the container, so no matter what happens, I should get some vegetables.
Has anyone else tried starting celery plants from the stump? How is it working for you? Please leave a comment.
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Ashley, I’m amazed that your celery has lasted that long! The celery that I planted outside in a large pot stayed pencil thin, too. I’ve used it chopped up in cooking, but you certainly couldn’t make stuffed celery out of it. Thanks for sharing your experience.
I have a celery stalk planted from the bottom of a store bought stalk growing in a small (maybe 8″) pot. I planted it well over a year ago…possibly even a year and a half; I can’t remember. It survived on a windowsill with partial sun all through last winter and grew on my sunny back porch over the summer. Now it’s on a sunny windowsill for winter again and seems happy. However, even with all that time growing, it’s still not big enough to eat. The stalks, though there are quite a few of them, are still pencil thin (or smaller), and the whole thing is about 8″ tall. Maybe its growth is stunted from the small container. Anyway, that’s my experience!
Lavada, thanks for the additional information on celery. One of my two plants is doing well and I may actually be able to harvest some!
Celery is a long-season crop that can be tricky to grow, some might say, the trickiest of all. It likes fertile soil, cool temperatures, and constant moisture. It will not tolerate heat and can be hard to transplant. Summer crops in the north and winter crops in the south make celery a year-round producer. All the work is worth it when you harvest crunchy, green stalks…..`
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