Master Gardener classes set; people from any county may attend

Photo by Sarah Williams.Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) of Niagara County is offering the Master Gardener Training Program this fall, with the first class scheduled for  Saturday, October 27.

People from any county may attend and students are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

These classes provide participants with basic training in a variety of horticultural subjects using class lectures, group discussion questions, quizzes and hands-on activities in the CCE greenhouse and grounds.

There are 18 Saturday classes. See the topics for each class and lab here.

All classes will be held at the CCE Lockport office in the Large Meeting Room of the 4-H Training Center or in the Memorial Room of the Administration Building; both buildings are located at 4487 Lake Avenue, Lockport, NY, 14094.  Field trips will be held at local parks.

The cost for the entire course is $280; this does not include the cost of the textbook.  The required textbook will be available for purchase at the CCE office in Lockport.

Class topics will include soils and fertilizers, tree identification, plant propagation, diagnosing plant problems, annual and perennial flowers, vegetable gardening, pruning, organic gardening, entomology, plant pathology, backyard fruit growing, honeybees and their importance to gardening, and more.  A complete syllabus with the order of topics, directions for obtaining the required textbooks, assigned readings, discussion questions, etc. will be e-mailed to participants in October.Photo from Microsoft.

After completing the training and passing an examination, class participants become Master Gardeners.  They then have the option of becoming Certified Master Gardeners by volunteering 40 hours of time to the program.  Opportunities include helping in the office, in the greenhouse, at public events like the Niagara County Fair or garden walks, or by participating in other gardening/horticulture opportunities that arise.

Learn more about the program by checking out these frequently asked questions.

For more information or to register, please contact Dr. Sandra Lee Graczyk, Certified Master Gardener and course host, at or at 716-834-5368. You may phone anytime between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. seven days a week.


Green thumb photo is from Sarah Williams. Gardener photo is from Microsoft.

5 Comments on “Master Gardener classes set; people from any county may attend

  1. I don’t know of any Cooperative Extension offices that offer online Master Gardener classes, but if I hear of any, I will be suer to let my readers know. Other classes would lend themselves to being online, too. Great idea.

  2. I was just on a cruise to Alaska and was delighted when I found out that there were over 900 Master Gardeners on board. One lady told me that in Oregon you can take the class on line. Is that available in New York?

  3. I would like to Join the master gardeners class- I have spoken to you on the phone already-I can notview / down load any of the blue topics to look at.I have windows 2003-How can I pay you via credit card?

  4. Unfortunately, the Master Gardener class hasn’t been offered in Erie County for awhile. If and when I hear of other opportunities, I’ll let readers know. Thanks so much for the question.

  5. I would like to take the master garderer class, but Lockport is too far from my home in Glenwood near Kissing Bridge. Is it ever offered in the southtowns?

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