Create buzz: Send me your WNY gardening events!

two bees on a flower
Photo by Connie Oswald Stofko

by Connie Oswald Stofko

One of the things that gardeners love about is the list of so many gardening events in Western New York.

If your group has an event that would interest gardeners, please let me know. I post events for free for nonprofit organizations.

Email your information to me at

I publish this magazine on Tuesdays. Make sure to get an event to me by the Friday preceding the Tuesday publication to announce your event.

You don’t have to wait to send your information; you may send all your dates at once.

Tell me what the event is, the time, day, date and address. (Make sure you include the address. Everybody in your neighborhood may know where the community center or park is, but people outside your area need an address.)

Include any other information that is relevant to the event, such as who the speaker is and what that person will discuss.

Optional: If you have someone who is willing to respond to questions about the event from our readers, include a phone number or email address to be included in the post.

Please send information only for events that are open to the public.

I look forward to hearing from you!

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