by Connie Oswald Stofko
Most poinsettias are 18 inches tall, but Mischler’s Florist and Greenhouses offers poinsettias that are about three feet tall–twice as tall as other poinsettias.
One recent shopper called them “magnificent,” said Mark Yadon, vice president at Mischler’s.
While they’re unusual, these poinsettias are, oddly enough, traditional, too. They aren’t a different variety of poinsettia; they’re just grown differently.
Typically, poinsettias are pinched back (which means cutting back some stems), Yadon explained. That encourages the plant to branch out more and produce more “flowers.”
These tall, stately poinsettias aren’t pinched back; they are allowed to grow straight up. The result is a taller plant with larger flowers.
“This is how it was done in the old days,” he said.
The tall poinsettias come in large containers: pots that are 12-inches and 14-inches in diameter. To ensure the pots are full, Mischler’s puts multiple plants in a pot. The 12-inch pot is $90 and the 14-inch pot is $120.
You can order the tall straight-up poinsettia by calling Mischler’s at (716) 632-1290. (You can’t order this particular poinsettia online.)
You can also purchase poinsettias by stopping into Mischler’s at 118 South Forest Rd., Williamsville.
Free local delivery for poinsettias
You can order a poinsettia and get free local delivery from Mischler’s. The poinsettia needs to be ordered by Saturday, Dec. 10; it can be delivered as late as Wednesday, Dec. 14.
You can get free delivery on the tall, straight-up poinsettia by calling Mischler’s. You can order many other poinsettias online here.
Bonus fun: Enjoy the holiday sounds presented by flutists of Note-worthy Concertante between 1 and 2 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 3 at Mischler’s. This free concert, part of Holiday in the Village, has become a holiday tradition.