Tea plants are back; get other unusual fruit, nut & berry plants at Lockwood’s

sochi tea plant from One Green World
Sochi tea. Photo courtesy One Green World

When we first told you about Sochi tea plants— the kind of plants you can use to make a cup of tea– they were so popular, they sold out. Well, Lockwood’s Greenhouses, 4484 Clark St., Hamburg, has them back in stock.

You can keep these plants outside in the summer, but bring them inside in the fall. What makes this plant even more attractive is that in the fall it gets white flowers that are fragrant. See more about caring for Sochi tea plants here.

Lockwood’s has many unusual food plants in stock.

The Meyer lemon trees are are only about two feet high, but are loaded with little lemons and flowers for more fruit to come. Use a fertilizer for citrus that is acid-based. You need to over-winter these indoors in a sunny window.

Sweetberry honeysuckle comes in ‘Sugar Mountain Blue’  and ‘Eisbar’ varieties. You need one of each for pollination, but they both get fruit. The fruit is very tart, but is high in antioxidants and vitamin C, said Teresa Buchanan, general manager at Lockwood’s. While we hope we don’t get another winter like this past one, they’re very hardy and will survive.

Sechuan pepper plants will produce the pepper berries that can be harvested for peppercorns to use in grinders. They are hardy to Zone 6. (Some of Western New York is in Zone 5. Check here to see what zone you are in.) If you have a protected site they may overwinter outdoors in Zone 5.

Other unusual plants include goji berries, self-fruiting avocados, papayas and persimmon. Trees include paw paws, colossal chestnut, almonds, pecans and hazelnuts. 

For more information on what Lockwood’s has in stock, call 649-4684.

Stop in soon for the best selection. Lockwood’s hours are 10 a.m.- 5 p.m. Sunday, 9 a.m. – 8 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, and 9 a.m. – 7 p.m.  Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. They’re closed on Saturday, July 4.

2 Comments on “Tea plants are back; get other unusual fruit, nut & berry plants at Lockwood’s

  1. I had a Meyer lemon tree and came home to find my Labrador Retriever ate the lemons. That was strange, but all the lemons were gone.

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