If you want to share your garden on Garden Walk Buffalo, apply soon– the deadline is May 15. You can apply online or download an application and mail it in.
Garden Walk Buffalo takes place on the West Side of Buffalo. Your garden must be within the boundaries of the walk: the Niagara River to Main Street and Canalside to the Scajaquada Expressway.
Anyone within those boundaries can show their garden. There is no judging of gardens; Garden Walk Buffalo isn’t a contest. Gardens range from large properties to just a few square feet; it is the diversity that makes this event a success.
When you fill out the application, you decide how much access to give visitors. You can have them see only your front yard, side yard or backyard, or any combination.
There are no entry fees.
Garden Walk Buffalo will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, July 25 and 26.
It is the largest free garden tour in the country. In 2014, more than 400 residences and businesses opened their creative urban gardens for tens of thousands of visitors from around the U.S., Canada and abroad. It has an estimated economic impact of $4.5 million.