by Connie Oswald Stofko
You may have heard that using bark as mulch is good because it provides nutrition for your plants, or that it’s bad because it eats up nitrogen making the nitrogen unavailable to your plants. The article Woof! No, Bark! clears up the confusion on using bark as mulch.
This article is in WNY Gardening Matters, produced by the Cornell Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners in Erie County.
Gary, see this Cornell fact sheet, especially page 8, general routine maintenance in summer. Donna Brok also recently had an interesting post on her blog Garden Walk, Garden Talk about cutting back perennials to have them bloom at different times. I hope that helps.
Thank you for making these articles available to your readers. There is always more to learn about our surroundings and general gardening.
I never saw a spotted lanternfly. You are right, it is pretty. Too bad it is harmful though.
Could there be a follow-up to the article ‘This Month in the Garden’? More information on cutting back perennials & when for more bushy growth & flowers.
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