using natural materials for holiday decorations

Use natural materials in holiday decorations

Get ideas for holiday decorations with materials that you already have in your garden. Nancy Walker, Master Gardener trainee with Cornell Cooperative Extension in Orleans County, has compiled tips on using natural materials. Some of the materials she lists are: Read her article here. Tip: You can get the Master Gardens Journal and updates from the Master Gardeners in Orleans County by signing up here. See more holiday ideas here:…...

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Hippodamia convergens, commonly known as the convergent lady beetle

Learn about ladybugs in the newest issue of the Optimistic Gardener

Ladybugs aren’t bugs at all. They’re beetles. That’s just one thing you’ll learn in the newest edition of the Optimistic Gardener. The publication is produced by the Master Gardeners of Cornell Cooperative Extension in Chautauqua and Cattaraugus counties. Find the newsletter on the gardening page of Cornell Cooperative Extension in Chautauqua County (on the lefthand side) and in Cattaraugus County (on the righthand side)…....

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succulents blooming in September

Seven ideas for autumn gardening in Western New York

by Connie Oswald Stofko It’s officially autumn on the calendar, but there are still gardening things to do. Here are some ideas we have shared in past articles. Even if they’re not new to you, it’s always good to get a reminder. Tasks you can do in your autumn garden: Harvest, weed, water & enjoy Debug your houseplants before bringing them inside Test soil and amend it if necessary Enjoy waves of spring color in a single spot or even…...

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reuse plastic container to protect garden plants

Can’t recycle those items anymore? Use them in your garden

by Connie Oswald Stofko Now that we can’t recycle as many kinds of items as we did before, can we find ways to reuse them in our gardens? We already use lots of odds and ends in our gardens, but today let’s reach a little higher. Let’s look specifically at items that you can’t recycle anymore — items that get thrown in the trash and end up in a landfill. And let’s look at things that you were throwing into…...

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making Thanksgiving arrangement at the Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens

Make-it, Take-it Workshops to start in October

You can register now for the popular Make-it, Take-it Workshops at the Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens, 2655 South Park Ave., Buffalo. Space is limited and pre-registration is required. The workshops are: Tropical Glass Terrarium Workshop, 6 to 8 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 11. Participants will each build a terrarium from tropical cuttings from the Botanical Gardens’ collection. You should take gloves and a box for transporting your creation. The cost for this workshop is $20 for the general public and $15 for…...

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mandala by Caroline North

Visit Nature’s Kaleidoscope & get inspired to make your own mandalas

by Connie Oswald Stofko “Mandalas go with gardening,” said artist Caroline North of Collins. “They’re centering and meditative–and that’s what plants do for us.” See her mandalas on display in the Nature’s Kaleidoscope exhibit through Sunday, Aug. 19 at the Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens, 2655 South Park Ave., Buffalo. Hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. This event is proudly sponsored by See a short video of the exhibit here. The exhibit is included with Botanical Gardens admission. Admission is $11 for…...

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succulents in hexagon frames

We’re proud to sponsor new exhibit: Nature’s Kaleidoscope

  by Connie Oswald Stofko Nature’s Kaleidoscope is a new exhibit at the Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens that aims to give you a new way to look at nature– through shapes and patterns, said Kristin Pochopin, director of Horticulture at the Botanical Gardens., the online gardening magazine for Western New York, is proud to be the sponsor of this summer event. Start off your visit by looking through a giant kaleidoscope located in the main dome. Then look for…...

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tomato cages turned into Christmas trees

Reuse tomato cages as a Christmas decoration

by Connie Oswald Stofko My neighbor, Helen Waterhouse, saw some cool Christmas decorations in our neighborhood. They look like small Christmas trees. “I bet you could make them using a tomato cage,” she said. We took her dog Fluffy for a walk down our block, and Helen pointed out the decorations. On closer inspection, we found they were indeed made from tomato cages! Helen decided to try it and found it worked well. I took some photos a couple weeks…...

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Christmas greens in pot with bow

Outdoor arrangement uses fresh-cut greens

Here’s an outdoor arrangement to welcome visitors to your home. This idea comes from Mischler’s Florist and Greenhouses, 118 South Forest Rd., Williamsville. Greens are placed upright in a plastic pot and decorated with a big red bow and pine cones. The greens are fresh-cut and locally grown. There’s soil in the pot to hold the branches in place. Rain will keep the soil wet, adding more weight and helping keep the pot stable. The arrangement looks charming in the…...

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