Orchard Park GC: flower design

American Legion Hall 5784 Ellis Rd., Orchard Park, New York

The Orchard Park Garden Club will meet at 11:30 am at the American Legion Hall, 5784 Ellis Road, Orchard Park. The program, “Iron Chef Flower Design Style,” will feature members creating floral designs for judging. Refreshments will be served. For more information, call Sharon at 716-674-0446

Daylily Society: talk on Burchfield

Town of Aurora Senior Center 101 King St., East Aurora

Nancy Weekly, a Charles Burchfield scholar, will be present "Burchfield, Flora and Gardening" at the meeting of the Buffalo Area Daylily Society (BADS) Sunday, February 16 at the Town of Aurora Senior Center, 101 King Street, East Aurora, NY.  Doors open at 1:30 p.m. and the meeting starts at 2 p.m. The group will hold its Souper Bowl, where a range of tasty hot soups will be available to sample. If you would like to take a soup to the