Cornell Cooperative Extension of Chautauqua County‘s Master Gardener Volunteer Program will hold Evening in the Garden educational programming at 6 to 8 p.m. on the third Wednesday from June to September.
It will be held at the College Community Gardens on the campus of Jamestown Community College, Curtis Street (near the tennis courts).
Dates and speakers are:
Guests are asked to bring their own chairs.
Evenings in the Garden are free. Light refreshments will be served.
Guests are invited to bring their questions—and their curiosity—on the topics of discussion as well as any garden-related subject. Members of the Master Gardener Demo Garden Committee will be on hand to guide the discussions and offer resources and solutions to growing challenges including flowers, vegetables, shrubs, trees, pest control and soil problems.
Suggestions for future presentations and discussions are always welcome.
(716) 664-9502