You think YOU have deer in your garden?

by Connie Oswald Stofko As a gardener, what would it be like if your house was surrounded by a nature preserve full of deer? Ruth Robson in Cheektowaga knows what it’s like firsthand. While she has houses to her right, to her left is the Reinstein Woods Nature Preserve. Her backyard, and the backyards of all her neighbors, border on Reinstein Woods. The deer could stay in Reinstein Woods, but they don’t know know anything about property lines, so they…...

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How deer are reshaping natural habitat

“It Only Takes A Few Bucks: How Deer Are Reshaping Our Natural Habitat” will be held at Tifft Nature Preserve. White-tailed deer are important and influential native wildlife to our region. Join the indoor presentation on deer population impact upon the native plant and animal species with time for a group discussion. The event is free….

Tift Nature Preserve on how deer are reshaping our natural habitat

Join the Tift Nature Preserve for a look at : “It Only Takes a Few Bucks: How Deer Are Reshaping Our Natural Habitat. White-tailed deer are important and influential native wildlife to our region. Join in for an indoor presentation on deer population impact upon our native plant and animal species with time for a group discussion. There is no charge for the evening….

Deer Here, Deer There

Reinstein Woods invites you to stroll around the woods while learning about (and hopefully seeing) the white-tailed deer that live there. Registration is required. Call 716-683-5959 to register….

Four tips to keep deer from eating your plants

by Connie Oswald Stofko We can never get enough tips on ways to keep deer from damaging plants. Some of these ideas may work for you and some may not. And even if the technique you’re using does work, it may stop working after a while, so you have to try something new. Here are four new tips on dealing with deer in your garden. Recipe for deer deterrent Michael Sheehan of the Western New York Hosta Society says this…...

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raised garden beds keep out deer

How to have a productive garden when you’ve got deer & kids

by Connie Oswald Stofko When Lindsay and Timothy Dzielski had their garden in the backyard, the deer ate everything. The groundhog and squirrels got a share, too. The garden also competed for space with all of the kids’ toys. So in March, when things suddenly closed down because of the pandemic, they tried something new. They built raised beds in a dead space along their driveway. “This is how you enjoy gardening while you enjoy wildlife,” Timothy said. “People never…...

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deer in backyard

Don’t feed deer in WNY: It’s bad for them, bad for people & illegal!

by Connie Oswald Stofko If you feed deer in your backyard or at a park, you could be harming them instead of helping them. Bringing deer together at feeding sites increases their risk of contracting communicable diseases, such as chronic wasting disease, from other deer. That’s why the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) prohibited deer feeding anywhere in New York State back in 2002. Recently the DEC adopted a new regulation to provide a clearer definition of what…...

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deer eating in winter

My new talk ‘Oh, Deer!’ helps you protect your plants

by Connie Oswald Stofko One of the things that gets gardeners in Western New York riled up is deer. These hungry critters can wreak havoc in a garden. There’s no magic solution to keep deer from eating your plants, but there are things you can do that might help. Unfortunately, even if you find something to keep the deer away for awhile, the deer might get used to that deterrent. Then you have to try something else. The good news…...

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horse in Western New York

Can horse manure keep deer away from your garden?

by Connie Oswald Stofko I don’t get deer in my yard, so I haven’t tested whether horse manure might keep deer away. But I know how desperate Western New York gardeners get when it comes to deer, so I figured I should pass along any tip that might help. I got this information from a blog post by Joyce Tomanek on Mother Earth News that was published in 1999. Tomanek lives in the Southeast, which may (or may not) make a difference…....

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bee on daisy

Learn how to deal with insects, deer & soil problems at Education Day

The Cornell Cooperative Extension of Erie County Master Gardener Program will host the 2019 Education Day from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, March 16 at Classics V Banquet & Conference Center, 2425 Niagara Falls Blvd, Amherst. The cost for Education Day is $35 for Erie County Master Gardeners, $45 for Master Gardeners from outside Erie County and associates, and $55 for the general public. Advance registration is required; register here. Registration is not complete until payment has been received. Registration fees…...

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