So cute! Poinsettia ‘petals’ shaped like mouse ears at Mischler’s

poinsettia 'Christmas Mouse' at Mischler's Florist and Greenhouses
Poinsettia ‘Christmas Mouse’ has small red bracts that look like mouse ears. Photo by Connie Oswald Stofko

by Connie Oswald Stofko

We gardeners tend to look for color when we choose plants, but shape can add interest, too.

Let’s take a look at three varieties of poinsettias at Mischler’s Florist and Greenhouses, located at 118 South Forest Rd., Williamsville.

All three are red, but each has “petals” with different shapes.

Tip: What we think of as flower petals on poinsettias aren’t really petals. They’re bracts, a kind of leaf. Technically, the flower isn’t the colorful part; it’s just the bit at the center of the colorful part. 

The first is ‘Christmas Mouse’, which is brand new to the market. It has bracts that look like cute little mouse ears. It really is darling!

poinsettia Holly Berry at Mischler's Florist and Greenhouses in Williamsville NY
This is a poinsettia, but the colorful bracts (leaves) are shaped like holly leaves. Photo by Connie Oswald Stofko

The second is poinsettia ‘Holly Berry’. The colorful bracts are sharply cut and look like red holly leaves. Mischler’s has been growing these for two years.

The third is poinsettia is ‘Merlot’, which has bracts with a traditional shape. Like its namesake, ‘Merlot’ is a deep, dark red. This is the first year that Mischler’s is growing it.

How to care for poinsettias

“The main thing is don’t overwater them,” said Mark Yadon, vice president of  Mischler’s. “They don’t need to be watered nearly as much as people water them.”

If the plant is in foil, take the foil off, water the plant at the sink, let the excess water drain out of the pot, then set the pot back in the foil. You don’t want the pot sitting in water, he explained.

Keep the plant moist; don’t let it dry out completely between waterings. But again, don’t overwater.

“The majority of people wreck their poinsettias by overwatering them,” Yadon said.

poinsettia 'Merlot' at Mischler's Florist and Greenhouses in Williamsville NYU
Poinsettia ‘Merlot’ has a traditionally shaped bract and is a deep, dark red. Photo by Connie Oswald Stofko

Some people who take good care of their poinsettias will have beautiful plants into March and April. It’s even possible to keep a poinsettia plant alive for a year. However, it’s really difficult to get poinsettias to rebloom, Yadon said, so most people enjoy poinsettias as if they are cut flowers. They are happy if the poinsettias look nice throughout the holidays.

Another way to keep your poinsettia happy is by placing it in a well-lit location, but not in direct sunlight, he said. You also don’t want it too warm, so avoid setting it close to a fireplace, wood stove or heat register.

If your plant loses a few leaves, don’t worry, Yadon said. That’s normal. It won’t affect the look of the plant too much.

But if you lose a lot of leaves, you’re probably watering too much, he said.

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