by Connie Oswald Stofko
Phyllis Lobbins, a Master Gardener from Cheektowaga, had a swing frame that might have gone out to trash, but she came up with a great use for it: She made it into a trellis for her cucumbers and squash.
“I used regular garden twine because that was all I had on hand at the time,” Lobbins said, “but I would prefer using nylon string, or something that would not break down as quickly as twine.
“I like to repurpose things whenever possible,” she added.
You can see more garden trellises here.
Elise, check at a hardware store to find out what kinds of paints will work. I hope that helps!
this is exactly what we’re thinking of doing for next summer! what kind of paint did you use to make sure it doesn’t peel?