Some flowers, such as delphinium, may need support so they stand up straight and won’t break in a strong wind. Jen Weber, vice president and manager of Mike Weber Greenhouses, gives us tips on how to do it properly.
Start with a bamboo stake that is taller than your flower. (You can get bamboo stakes at Mike Weber’s.)
When you’re placing the stake, make sure you’re not too close to base of your plant. The stake should be at least 1 ½ inches away from the stem. Push the stake several inches into the soil.
Use clippers to trim the bamboo stake so that it is slightly shorter than the flower. Tip: It’s easier to cut the bamboo if you cut at an angle rather than cutting straight across.
Hold the stem in an upright position. Bend the stake toward the flower; don’t bring the flower toward the stake — you don’t want to break the stem.
Use a twist tie to anchor the flower to the stake. Tip: Save those twist ties from bread bags. They come in very handy!
Slide the twist tie among the flowers— the petals will help to hide the twist tie. Keep the twist tie loose; don’t choke the flower.
“In a windstorm, the plant will rattle, but won’t break,” Weber said.