Beginning gardeners & hosta fans can enjoy Hosta College; register by Feb. 23

Hosta College offers large classes, small classes, sales, an auction and more activities. Photo courtesy Marcia Sully

Whether you are a die-hard fan of hostas or a beginning gardener, Hosta College has something for you, said Marcia Sully of Eden, president of the Great Lakes Region of the American Hosta Society. (You may have visited her landscape, the Hidden Gardens of Eden, during Open Gardens.)

“The focus of Hosta College centers around hosta lovers, but our class offerings range far and wide, with classes on wildlife, butterflies, garden travel, landscaping, pruning, pond building, conifers, bulbs, iris, daylilies and botanical Latin,” Sully said.

There will also be make-and-take instruction for terrariums, bird houses and hypertufa containers.

Hosta College is a symposium that will be held Friday and Saturday, March 15 and 16 at Upper Valley Career Center in Piqua, OH. It is held by the Great Lakes Region of the American Hosta Society (which includes the Western New York Hosta Society).

The event is just a few hours drive from our area, and Sully suggests carpooling with other Western New Yorkers. You’ll have an opportunity to meet gardeners from the United States, Canada and Europe.

The fee is $55.

The registration deadline is Saturday, Feb. 23.

See details here. 

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