Put your love of plants to good use by becoming a docent at the Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens.
A six-week training course will be held from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays from Aug. 11 to Sept. 29 at the Botanical Gardens, 2655 South Park Ave., Buffalo.
To be docent, you should have a love of gardening or botany, enjoy learning and talking with the public, and like to become involved in a rewarding volunteer experience. An education background is not required, but a high level of interest and enthusiasm is.
During the training, you can learn in-depth information about plants in the Botanical Gardens’ collection, develop teaching and public speaking skills and learn how to teach hands-on lessons, all while making new friends with shared interests.
As a docent, you can lead tours; teach hands-on programs; help with many educational events such as field trip programs, Kids Days and Wegmans Family Days; answer visitor questions during special plant exhibits, and assist education staff in programs that inspire visitors of all ages.
You must commit to becoming a docent if you take this course.
Register here. The deadline to sign up for the training is Saturday, Aug. 4.
A registration fee of $25 is required and will be accepted in advance online or at the door on the first class day.
For more information, contact the Education Department at 827-1584, ext. 223 or aoldham@buffalogardens.com.