Tell your gardening friends– It’s free to subscribe to!

sunflower in Amherst NY
Photo by Connie Oswald Stofko

by Connie Oswald Stofko

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4 Comments on “Tell your gardening friends– It’s free to subscribe to!

  1. Aisha, I don’t know about the growing conditions for West Virginia, but if it’s Zone 6, this advice should work for you. To be sure, contact the extension service in your state. I see there’s one out of West Virginia University. The extension services provide help for gardeners as well as other resources.

  2. Thank you so much, I thought about that article, but was not sure because of where we live. I will pass this on to him and recommend your site

  3. We live in Charleston, West Virginia, I believe it’s zone 6, my friend purchased some rose bushes, azaleas, burning bush and some other plants at the local Lowes store, He wants to know if it is safe to plant them out this late in October. If you can help us, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your assistance.

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