Tuesday, April 1 is the pre-order deadline for the Great Plant Sale taking place at the Buffalo and Erie County Botanical Gardens, 2655 South Park Ave., Buffalo. All pre-orders placed for the Great Plant Sale can be picked up at the sale Saturday and Sunday, May 17 and 18.
Order online by clicking here, or call for an order form at (716) 827-1584, ext. 204. Plants will not be shipped and are only available for pick-up at the Great Plant Sale.
You can see photos of the plants on the Botanical Gardens website.
Hot Picks are in high demand and are available in limited quantities. The Hot Picks include Carex ‘Banana Boat’, Delphinium ‘Lilac Ladies’, Dianthus ‘Coral Reef’, Echinacea ‘Secret Affair’ and Heuchera ‘Dolce Cinnamon Curls’.
Perennials include Achillea ‘Saucy Seduction’, Astilbe ‘Astary Rose’, Hemerocallis ‘Huckleberry Candy’, Heuchera ‘Venus’, Hibiscus ‘Plum Fantasy’, Hosta ‘Blue Mouse Ears’, Hosta ‘Empress Wu’, Iris ‘Strawberry Fair’, Lavandula ‘French Perfume’, Nepeta ‘Cat’s Meow’, Polgonatum ‘Variegatum’, Sedum ‘Mr. Goodbud’ and Tradescantia ‘Bilberry Ice’.
Annuals include Aster ‘Perfection Mix’, Coleus ‘Festive Dance Mix’, Dusty Miller ‘Silverdust Maritima’, Marigold ‘African Vanilla’, Petunia ‘Dreams Waterfall Mix’, Petunia ‘Prism Sunfish’, Snapdragon ‘Rocket Mix’, Statice ‘Fortress Mix’, Strawflower ‘Bright Bikinis Mix’ (Dwarf) and Zinnia ‘State Fair’.
Nice selections, but a few need to be watched where planted. Nepeta and Carex for instance can get “frisky” in a garden.